Theoretical physics at Nikhef
Welcome to the website of the Theory Group of Nikhef! Here you will find information about who we are, what are our research interests, how to contact us, as well as related information which would be useful for bachelor and master students looking for a project/internship within our group and for prospective applicants to open PhD, postdoc, and staff positions. For more general information about the Nikhef institute and partnership please go here.
The Nikhef theory group serves as the Dutch national centre for particle physics phenomenology. Our mission is to conduct theoretical particle physics research with a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from collider physics and QCD, the structure of the proton, flavour and neutrino physics to astroparticle physics and cosmology. Goals include performing high-precision calculations for the Standard Model, understanding and interpreting anomalies in current data, developing tools for precision tests of the Standard Model and beyond at the HL-LHC or future colliders, exploring new directions in neutrino and astroparticle physics and cosmology, and pursuing theoretical physics applications of artificial intelligence and quantum computing. More information can be found here.
Nikhef is a partnership of the Dutch Research Council NWO and with six Dutch universities: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RG), Radboud Universiteit (RU), Utrecht Universiteit (UU) and Maastricht Universiteit (UM). Staff and students in the theory group are a member of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics. Moreover, we have extensive interactions with the experimental groups, exploiting the exciting opportunities offered by the rich scientific environment of Nikhef.
You can also find additional information about our group and its activities on our social media accounts on Instagram and Twitter. You can also learn more about the Theory group in the Dimensies magazine, the official publication of Nikhef (in Dutch).